
Ready to get started?

We really get to know your pet so they have a great Sleepydog experience!

Jennifer Fredette

 Jennifer Fredette, Owner

Inspiration for Sleepydog Kennel was born in the pages of the book, “Eat, Pray, Love”.* I didn’t even like the book, but at one point the author asks herself, while in Italy, “I can do anything I want today- what will make me happy?”. She chose wine, cheese, and a good book under an Olive tree by the river. That appeals to me too, but when I thought about what really brought me joy, I pictured watching my beloved beagle and my foster rescue dogs cavorting down a path in the woods. Watching them play brought warmth to my heart and a smile to my face. Within a year, I left a challenging corporate job (which I DID love for a long time), uprooted my family (bless them!) to the other end of town, and started on a new adventure called Sleepydog Kennel. What a joy it has been! I am so grateful to my team and my customers! ~ Jennifer Fredette * I just discovered that Elizabeth Gilbert has since penned a follow up book called “Eat, Pray, Love Made Me Do It- life journeys inspired by the best selling memoir” so apparently I am not alone!


 Kasey, Administrative Manager

I came to work for SDK in 2021 after 22 years in the health care field.  When I am not playing with pups at SDK, I am playing with the ponies on my sister's horse farm.

James Fredette

 James Fredette, Operations Manager

After traveling and dabbling in some other fields, I decided it was time to come back into the family fold and business.  It is not an easy job, and it pushes me to grow professionally every day.  However, there is nothing more rewarding than taking care of my pack, my pack leaders, and my customers.


 Jayden, Kennel Attendant

I'm Jayden.  I started working at SDK in 2022.  Working with dogs has been both enjoyable & rewarding.  In my free time, you might catch me at car meets/shows or walking with my own pup!

Avery Dutton

 Avery Dutton, Kennel Attendant

I’m Avery. I started working at SDK in 2024 and am enjoying every second of it! I have loved animals for as long as I can remember, especially dogs. When I’m not working, you can find me reading a good book or playing with my puppy, Gigi! 

David  Hurne

 David Hurne, Kennel Attendant

David joins our team with a unique background in Animal Behavior. He was involved in active enrichment for primates at the San Diego Zoo and worked as a wolf caretaker and educator, which led him to conduct research and write his undergraduate thesis on wolf social visual communication behaviors and their implication towards the beginnings of cognition development.  
Closer to home in Vermont, David has worked with the Humane Society of Chittenden County and is on the Board of Directors for the Vermont Paws & Boots Service Dog Program. This program provides disabled veterans and first responders with free service dogs and free training. David personally completed this program with his Service Dog, Gemma, in 2017.

David is a Marine Corps veteran of Desert Storm who currently lives in Underhill, Vermont, with his wife and three dogs.  

Mackenzie Mastin

 Mackenzie Mastin, Kennel Attendent

I've been with SDK since 2023. I've been working with animals of all types and sizes my whole life. When I'm not working, I'm riding horses or playing with my pups.


 Hanna, Parking Lot Attendant

While I know that mom misses Steez, the sleepydog OG, we love each other very much.  I love to supervise sleepy dogs coming and going from my kitchen window.  I also like to just soak up the sun in the driveway.  If I am in your way, just beep, I won't be offended.  And while I love dogs and people, I can be a little bossy sometimes.  If your dog is bossy too, you can tell me to stay away from you and I will.

Vali cat

 Vali cat, The one really in charge

I'm in charge. I am here to make sure that all is right with our world.  If I am in your way, just honk or yell and I will move.  I am adventurous so, if you leave your car door open, make sure I have not attempted to hitch a ride!

The girls

 The girls, Groundskeepers

We are just a bunch of old broads living out our twilight days.  We love dogs but we don't like them to eat us, so please don't let them eat us.  If we are in your way, honk or yell and we will vamoose!

Training Certifications

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